Thursday, September 13, 2012

Coffee Cups Made of Glass

When you think about a coffee cup, you would automatically think of ceramic or porcelain mugs but not all coffee cups are made of such material. And when it comes to other materials, paper isn't the only thing you can go with either. These days, service coffee has gotten a little more creative and people now enjoy their coffee in all sorts of cups. One of the most popular things to serve coffee in has been glass cups. See wholesale coffee supplies. With that said, there are a number of other reasons why people would serve coffee in a glass coffee cup.

One of the cutest things about a glass coffee cup is its aesthetic quality. Some people would like to get a glimpse of the delicious drink they are enjoying, and a porcelain or china cup just won't allow you to do that. Plus, glass cups allow people to see that they are getting all the right portions - coffee, sugar, cream, foam - and glass cups give you that freedom.

Another great thing about a glass coffee cup is its durability, which isn't the usual idea when people think about glass. As with everything else, how well an item is made is what defines its durability, so craftsmanship and thickness of the glass are some of the points that come into play. Another thing you also should know about glass cups is that they aren't as easy to break as china or porcelain cups would. If a glass cup were dropped on a padded floor of some sort, the chances of it breaking and shattering would actually be very slim.

It should be known that ceramic or porcelain coffee cups are generally not very good at keeping in heat. What they are good at is not transferring heat, which is why they are usually used in serving coffee or other hot beverages. It would be good to point out that now, glass has been made to be more heat resistant, considering that it transfers heat more efficiently than ceramic or porcelain. You can stay worry free, however, as the handles of glass coffee cups won't be absorbing any of the heat.

A lot of people think that glass coffee cups are expensive but the truth is, that isn't the case. Because of the elegance and sophistication that a glass coffee cup projects, most people already think that it is expensive. You may want to try Lavazza Italian coffee. The price of a typical glass coffee cup won't be any more than your average porcelain or ceramic cup. Glass coffee cups may be hard to come by locally due to the increasing demand for them, but the good thing is that these are almost always available over the Internet and you can purchase them any time you want.

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